MISCELLANEOUS NOTES This file has two sections: How to Find and Submit Bug Reports How to file bug reports and what to put in them. How to Give Feedback Our e-mail address, and what we'd like to hear about. ---------------------------------- HOW TO FIND AND SUBMIT BUG REPORTS ---------------------------------- To get e-mail listing all known Swing bugs, please try our new buglist autoresponder. You'll get a single reply by writing to the following address: swing-buglist-responder@qwerty.eng.sun.com The Swing Connection's 911 page lists workarounds for some of Swing's most annoying bugs: http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/swingdoc-current/911.html The Java Developer Connection's bug page lets you search our bug database, giving you access to the complete text of bug reports: http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/index.html To encourage us to fix a particular bug very soon, please vote for the bug. You can do so by viewing the bug report in the Java Developer Connection, and then clicking the Vote button in the left margin. If you need to file a bug, please submit it through java.sun.com: http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi When asked for the product, choose the version of the JDK that you're using. For the subcategory, select classes_swing. If the bug is holding up your development, please also send e-mail to the Swing team (swing-feedback@java.sun.com). Tell us what the bug number is and what you need to be able to continue your development. When you file a bug report, please include the following information: - A program or code snippet that shows the problem. - The platform you're using. - A backtrace, if appropriate. This will tell us what the program is doing when the bug occurs. To generate a backtrace, do this: 1. Go to the shell window in which you entered the 'java' command. 2. Make sure it has the keyboard focus and that the interpreter ('java' command) isn't a background process. 3. Enter the appropriate character: Control-\ (Solaris) Control-Break (Win 95/NT) 4. You should see a bunch of text in the window. Please put a copy of it into your bug report. -------------------- HOW TO GIVE FEEDBACK -------------------- We'd love to hear about what you're doing with Swing. We'd also like to hear your ideas for improvements and your concerns about Swing APIs, performance, bugs, packaging, and so on. Please keep in mind that our current focus is on improving Swing's reliability, performance, and documentation -- and not on adding new features. However, we welcome all feedback and we thank you for your support. Please send your feedback to this e-mail address: swing-feedback@java.sun.com -------------------------------------- Keep in touch! Read The Swing Connection: http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/swingdoc-current/